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Home » News » China's manufacturing docking with "One Belt And One Road" promotes China's transformation into a manufacturing power

China's manufacturing docking with "One Belt And One Road" promotes China's transformation into a manufacturing power

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China's manufacturing docking with "One Belt And One Road" promotes China's transformation into a manufacturing power

Manufacturing is the lifeblood of national economy. The development of manufacturing industry can not only enhance national competitiveness and hard power, but also make great contribution to boosting national economy. The "made in China 2025" proposed by China is the trend of The Times. Under the strategic background of "One Belt And One Road", "made in China" has encountered a rare space and opportunity for development.Our company is preformed dead end grip suppliers.

However, it should be pointed out that China's manufacturing enterprises in the "go global" process is not smooth sailing, but also facing many problems. First, political risks and discriminatory trade barriers to some extent affect China's manufacturing industry to go global. Second, difficult and expensive financing is still the biggest obstacle for enterprises to "go global". Third, the innovation ability is insufficient, the enterprise's international competitiveness needs to be improved. Fourth, the international service mechanism of "going out" still needs to be improved.


With the deepening of "One Belt And One Road" strategy, the government and enterprises need to make joint efforts to "make in China" and "go global".

At the government level, a series of supporting policies and measures are needed. First of all, we need to strengthen legislation on outbound investment, build a legal security system for manufacturing enterprises to go global, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises to "go global" while standardizing their overseas operations. Second, we need to improve policies and measures in the financial sector, expand financing channels, and increase support for manufacturing enterprises to "go global" and "One Belt And One Road" in building financial services. Third, we should further improve the government's efforts to build Bridges and create a better business environment for enterprises by giving full play to the mechanism of inter-governmental diplomatic cooperation.

Forge iron still need oneself hard, the innovation that the enterprise oneself product upgrades also is due meaning. Enterprises should strive to enhance their core competitiveness, be "big and excellent" and "big and strong", take the initiative to go abroad in a market-oriented way, avoid going it alone, and reduce risks. At the same time, it is necessary to integrate with the local market under the strategy of "One Belt And One Road" to achieve localized operation.

Driven by the wave of information technology revolution, "made in China" and "One Belt And One Road" interact and benefit each other, which will promote China to become a manufacturing power.



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